Go Settings on Windows / Linux
set GOROOT=C:\Go\set GOPATH=C:\GoPath\
set GOBIN=%GOPATH%/bin
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Go\bin;%GOBIN%
export GOROOT=$HOME/go
export GOBIN=$GOROOT/bin
export GOARCH=amd64
export GOOS=linux
then go install hello.go, hello.exe will be installed into GOBIN
A closer look at go and nodejsWelcome Go, and Farewell Node.js by TJHoloWayChuk
Good Tutorial: Build Web Apps with Go Language (golang)
- watch: Pluralsight: creating web applications with Go: www.pluralsight.com/courses/creating-web-applications-go
- go to pluralsight: search golang
- Github
- Book:
- Youtube Tutorial: Build Web Apps with Go Language (golang)
- Router: julien schmidt router github
- https://github.com/GoesToEleven/go_web_app
- go env
- GOPATH="Path1:Path2:Path3"
- Node.js vs Golang: Battle of the Next-Gen Languages
- Farewell Node.js
- The state of Go in market and its future
- It seems as if GoLang is better than Node.js in terms of performance (not that big a margin) and syntax style, so why is Node.js way more popular than Go?
- A Closer Look at Golang From an Architect’s Perspective
- What's the Go language really good for
Google's APP Engine Supports: Python PHP Java GO
Restful WebService
- Learn industry standard language
- Learn many language, don't be religious about it, be pragmatic. Languages are tools, nothing more
- Include one language that supports class abstractions (like Java or C++)
- one that supports functional abstraction (like Lisp or ML)
- one that supports syntactic abstraction (like Lisp)
- one that supports declarative specifications (like Prolog or C++ templates)
- one that supports coroutines (like Icon or Scheme)
- and one that supports parallelism (like Sisal)
- Learn at least a half dozen programming languages
- projecteuler.net is a good place to find increasingly difficult problems to solve and doesn't care what language you are using
- Learn one of these, and you'll always have a job
- Javascript/CSS/HTML
- Java / C++ / C# / Python
- Go An Introduction.mp4: go test ... gocov test ....
- Go Links
- golang.org
- tour.golang.org
- godoc.org
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