Wednesday, December 2, 2015

ReactJS / AngularJS / NodeJs / ExpressJS note-taking



The Angular Team provides two tools for testing Angular APP (follow this blog: Testing AngularJS Apps Using Karma):
  1. Karma: a test runner for unit testing. Have available karma plugins for:
    1. Mocha:
    2. Chai:
    3. Jasmine:
    4. PhantomJS: a headless version of WebKit.
  2. Protractor: test framework for writing end-to-end (E2E) tests
  3. My TODOS:
    1. TO Learn angularJS via "Pro AngularJS", then read angularJS source code. follow this blog: Testing AngularJS Apps Using Karma

  4. Pro AngularJS: 
    1. Chap 07 is not runnable.


  1. React JS Official
  2. React JS Tutorial
  3. Is React Killing Angular.

ReactJS Tutorial



  1. Advanced logging with NodeJs


Open Source Project

  1. 10 Best Node.js Frameworks For Developers
  2. ngBoilerplate, ngBoilerplate  : angularjs Bootstrap nodejs
  3. Meteor.js, GitHub     1561  26096  2970, Should I use Meteor? Why?Book: discover meteor
  4. OfficialGithub    503, 6930, 2071, learn
  5. meanjs: Github  270  2270  758
  6. hackathon-starter: Github link,  hackathon-angularjs stackoverflow
  7. Forums: Which do you prefer and why: MEAN stack or MeteorJS?


  1. List of Companies using NW.js
  2. DaftMonk/generator-angular-fullstack


  1. Difference between MEAN.js and
  2. Should I use Meteor? Why?
  3. Most Popular JavaScript Frameworks 2015
  4. 3 JavaScript Libraries to Keep an Eye on in 2015 


  1.   166, 2970, 350
  2. Are there any open-sourced projects based on node.js and expressjs?
  3. 2015.01 Does anyone know of a real-world, complex, open-source NodeJS application? I need to make a RESTful API and tutorials / examples are way to simple
  4. tutorial

  1. When using the stack, do you just start modifying/adding to the /packages/system directory or create your own package, if so, how do you route to your package (making '/' go to your package)?
  2. Using for my SPA application 

Related Plugins for JSON:

  1. JSON Formatter  : make JSON beautiful in Chrome
  2. Postman - REST Client.


  1. mean.js
    1. mean.js    github
    2. Bower: npm install -g bower
    3. Grunt: npm install -g grunt-cli
    4. YEOMAN:
      • scaffold application: npm install -g yo
      • npm install -g generator-meanjs
    5. go to folder, cd D:\GitHub\meanjs-study ==> yo meanjs
  2. run grunt in cmd to start site. ==> http://localhost:3000/  .
  3. now a site is created, signup ==> Menu Articles --> New Article ==> add articles via Here.
  4. Go over the source code
    1. app : server side code
    2. public: client side code
    3. root code
      1. server.js : main entry point code
      2. package.json


  1. Comparison: Tools to Automate Restarting Node.js Server After Code Changes
  2. Architecting a Secure RESTful Node.js app
  3. Compiling a nodejs projects as a single binary
  4. NodeJS background process:
    1. process = require('child_process') 

Testing / Debug

  1. Mocha
    1. npm install mocha --save-dev
    2. .npm install -g mocha
  2. Blanket
    1.  npm install blanket --save-dev
  3. HTML-Cov
  4. supertest git    npmjs.
  5. how to debug mocha test with chrome 


  1. Node Inspector
    1. node --debug app.js
      1. node --debug-brk app.js
    2. node-debug app.js
  2.  Spy-js for Node.js


  1. Make Your Node.js API Bulletproof: How to Test with Mocha, Chai, and SuperTest.
  2. Tutorial on Test with Mocha from Scothmedia
  3. JetBrains: Preparing to Use Mocha Test Framework.

    NTLM Authentication Support

    Packages for NodeJS and NTLM
    1. node-http-ntlm
    2. express-ntlm 

    Code Protection

    Have some research into protecting NodeJS Code. Here is general discussion:
    1.  StackOverflow: node.js - Code Protection?
    2. Secure distribution of NodeJS applications
    Free Solution
    1. JXCore : encrypt the application source code to another format which can be executed by JXCore application. has some issue?
    2. YUICompressor.
    3. GruntJS. discussion
    4. nexe
    Commercial Solution
    1. Protect Your Node.js Sources With JScrambler Before Unleashing it Into the Wild Wild Web  
      1. JScrambler HomePage     result
    2. enclosejs : Looks like this is the most promising one

    Trouble Shooting

    We’ve Made Web Development Complicated

    1. a server-side language
    2. how to talk to a database (SQL)
    3. HTML
    4. CSS
    5. JavaScript
    6. Vagrant with a pre-built image (Laravel Homestead)
    7. SSH
    8. Version control (Git)
    9. A branching/merging process (Git Flow)
    10. Gulp
    11. Node.js (for running Gulp)
    12. Homebrew
    13. /etc/hosts file (or Dnsmasq)
    14. CSS pre-processors (Bootstrap was already using Less, I am using Sass)
    15. CSS concatenation
    16. JavaScript concatenation
    17. Image sprites
    18. A server-side framework (Laravel)
    19. Framework-specific command line utilities for creating template files, running pre-load optimizations, database commands, etc.
    20. ORM
    21. Security (SQL injection, XSS, CSRF, etc.)
    22. Templating syntax (Laravel uses one called Blade)
    23. A client-side framework (jQuery, Bootstrap, Angular, etc.)
    24. JSON
    25. PHP Composer
    26. PHP Packages
    27. Database migrations (database schema defined in code)
    28. Database seeding
    29. Faker (for creating dummy data)
    30. Unit testing


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