Monday, August 24, 2015

Best Practices in Software Development


Code Integrity

  1. Automated builds
  2. Continuous integration
  3. Unit testing and test-driven development
  4. Code consistency and agreed standards for quality

Best Practice to Continuous Delivery

  • Don’t build the binaries at each stage of the deployment pipeline, create them once an reuse them.
  • The capacity testing environment should be as similar as possible to the production environment.
    • increase frequency of deployment
    • iterative monitor, measure, and improve the code
  • Script everything!
  • Don’t let builds that fail unit or acceptance test into production
  • Put all the configuration in version control (network, firewall, OS, etc)
  • Automate everything
    • automate code testing
    • automate work-flows
    • automate infrastructure

Git dos and don’ts

The dos:

Write useful, readable commit message
use topic branches locally
small, logical commits
do choose a workflow

The don’ts:

Don’t rebase public commits
Don’t delete unmerged remote branches
Don’t more than 1 project per repo.
Don’t create a very large repo.

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Friday, August 21, 2015

Software Design

  • Contain Changes
  • Re-usability
  • Design and Development Principles
    • SOLID - Object Oriented Design Principle
      • Single Responsibility: a class should have only a single responsibility
      • Open-Closed: “ be open for extension, closed for modification.”
      • Liskov substitution: objects should be replaceable, design by contract
      • Interface segregation: many client-specific interfaces are better than one general-purpose interface
      • Dependency inversion: Depend upon Abstractions. Do not depend upon concretions
    • DRY - Don't Repeat Yourself
    • KISS - Keep it simple, stupid
    • If it ain't broke, don't fix it
    • GRASP - OO Design.

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Statistics: Language / Techs / Linux Distro

This is the popularity of different technologies
  1. Language Popularity
    1. GitHut: most popular Languages in Github
    2. Programming Lanaguage Popularity @
    3. PYPL PopularitY of Programming Language
    4. The RedMonk Programming Language Rankings: January 2015.
  2. Linux
    1. Distro Watch
    2. Linux_Distribution_Timeline

  3. more ...

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DevOps, Continuous Integration, Code Quality Analysis

DevOps integrates developers and operations teams in order to improve collaboration and productivity by automating infrastructure, automating workflows and continuously measuring application performance.

  • Automate everything
    • automate code testing
    • automate workflows
    • automate infrastructure
  • development environment == development environment
    • increase frequency of deployment
    • iterative monitor, measure, and improve the code
  • Change in mindset + New tools + New skills= new fast-paced world.
    • Chef / Puppet / SaltStack ==> code deployment


CI Solutions

  1. Jeknins
  2. TeamCity: Free for 20 Project
  3. Atlassian Bamboo: Product Series
  4. Travis CI.
  5. Other Tools:
    1. Octopus: free for 10 machines, 5 Projects
    2. Red Gate: Database Shipping tool

List of Tools

  1. DevOps Glossary: Open source tools for automation, configuration management and CI
  2. The Ultimate List of Deployment Tools
  3. DevOps: Phases of Continuous Integration
  4. Testing in Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment Workflows from Microsoft
  5. Continuous Integration-Automated Deployments And Release Management
  6. Quora: Which is best: Bamboo or Jenkins CI?


  1. Install the latest version of Jenkins:
  2. Go to: http://localhost:8080/      to setup


  1. Git flow with Jenkins and GitLab
  2. Generate SSH keys: ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""
  3. Jeknins Plugins:
    1. Install Plugins Manually
    2. List of all Jenkins plugins here
    3. EnvInject Plugin:
    4. Gitlab Hook Plugin: depend on Ruby Runtime Plugin : On windows, there must not have space in folder. Here is tutorial on how to setup Jenkins/GitLab Hook
      1. GitLab Official Documentation
      2. Git flow with Jenkins and GitLab.

Setup Nunit Quick

  1. Best Doc for setup Jenkins: Jenkins for .net in 5 Minutes, Jan. 15, 2013.
  2. A post related to continuous integration for DOTNET using Jenkins and GIT.
    Jenkins MSBuild Plugin here
  3. Continuous Integration for DotNet Using Jenkins, SVN and MSBuild (DotNet).
  4. How I learned to stop worrying and love Jenkins
  5. NUnit With Jenkins: refer to follow to setup NUnit with Jenkins:
    1. Execute NUnit with Jenkins
    2. How do you run NUnit tests from Jenkins? 
    3. NUnit and Continuous Integration with Jenkins: which NUnit-files are needed?



  1. Developers' Seven Deadly Sins addressed by SonaQube
  2. The Wise Developers’ Guide to Static Code Analysis featuring FindBugs, Checkstyle, PMD, Coverity and SonarQube.


Sonar C++ Setup

Sonar Examples


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